Pre-Birth to Three Guidance
Positive Outcomes for Scotland’s Children and Families is a document introduced by the Scottish Office, in association with Learning and Teaching Scotland to provide national guidance for all those whose work involves caring for babies and young children. The four key principles of Pre-Birth to Three are:
- Rights of the Child
- Relationships
- Responsive Care
- Respect
Our nursery staff work very closely with the Pre-Birth to Three document to provide the quality experiences children under 3 years old need: from feeding, cuddles and nappy changing to sensory experiences, story telling, outdoor play and music.
For more information please visit:
Baby Room
The Baby Room at Cradle-Hall Nursery provides warmth, fun and security for children under 2 years old. The room allows staff to provide the appropriate activities for your child’s age group and developmental stage.
It is important for children of this age to receive continuity of care between nursery and home therefore the nursery staff will ensure your child’s familiar routine is maintained.
The staff encourage the babies to freely explore and enjoy their play activities in a safe, relaxed environment allowing them to develop their confidence, independence and learning.
A variety of resources, activities and experiences are on offer for children under 2 in line with the Pre-Birth to Three Document including: songs, rhymes, music, books, stories, outdoor play and walks, sand play, water play, painting, play dough and treasure baskets and heuristic play to encourage curiosity, sensory play and exploration.
You will find other helpful information about the Baby Room and nursery facilities on our information page.